Programming Raspberry PI using Simulink (#MATLABHW2k16)


It seems to be Matworks has realized that there is an interesting market on the low cost hardware devices with hobbyist and DIY enthusiasts around the world. Several years ago they've started adding support to some microcontrollers as the Microchip …continue

TIC TAC TOE Game using Capacitive touch.


The capacitive touch technology has several advantages over mechanical switching and many pushbuttons , sliders and wheels can be implemented out of a PCB and a microcontroller. Apart from simplicity and effective switching , the small disadvantage of the soft touch buttons …continue

Use of LPD8806


The LPD8806 PWM controller for RGB LEDs is well known to be used for color effects in long daisy chains of RGB leds. The LED strips are available online and sold by meter usually having 32 LEDs per meter which …continue